Thank you for your interest in the Journal of Operational Cognitive Readiness. We suggest the following guidelines to ensure that your manuscript meets the expectations of our reading committee.
The manuscripts submitted should focus on the mental preparation and cognitive optimisation of personnel involved in emergency and personal assistance, military, nuclear power plant staffs, pilots and aviation, and all professions potentially involved in high-pressure situations.
We want to give everyone the opportunity to share their knowledge and/or experience through the JOCR. To achieve this, we offer a wide range of themes in the journal: feedback, real-life stories, research work, courses taught in the faculty or unit, summaries of articles or books, etc.
Manuscripts must be submitted in English. They must be original work and not have been published or submitted to another journal. If you include photographs, diagrams or charts, make sure you own the copyright or have the author's permission. If your manuscript is relevant to your work in the military or special forces, or in any potentially restricted environment, we ask that you obtain prior authorisation from your superiors for publication.
The JOCR is a newspaper that promotes the values of tolerance, collaboration, mutual aid, contribution, kindness and benevolence. No comments outside this framework will be taken into consideration.
To make it easier for people with a wide range of experiences and backgrounds to read this document, we encourage you to keep the use of acronyms to a minimum and to explain the meaning of each one.
We ask you to include the following information on the title page :
- The title of the article : concise but including all relevant information, between five and twenty words approximately
- Authorship : Authors’ names with each author’s academic degree(s). If relevant, you may indicate the military rank. To increase the relevance and power of our publications, we follow the International Commitee of Medical Journal Editor's recommendations. Each author should have contribute actively to the work described in the submitted manuscript. Each contribution should be specified in the submission : F.R. handled the logistical side of the project, M.P. carried out the study, D.T. performed the statistical analyses ...
- Disclosures : Authors should disclose any financial, funding, or conflict of interest.
- Contact informations : Help us to facilitate correspondence with the authors by giving us your full name, e-mail, telephone number or whatsapp. Tell us which informations you allow us to publish, and which not.
We invite you to support your manuscripts with references to other works in order to connect the experiences and ideas you put forward with the vision of other people who have tackled the same issue.
Please use the ACS (American Chemical Society) standard for your references :
Article : Author(s), title of article, abbreviated title of journal, date, issue, page(s)
Book : Author(s), book title, publisher, place of publication, date of publication
Figures bring dynamism and visual understanding to the stories and lessons. Therefore, we encourage you to add visuals to your manuscripts.
To ensure that your images are of the highest quality, please quote the image in the body of the text and attach the image files. Do not insert images directly in your text file (such as word or page). We also encourage you to detail in the captions the general context of the figure and how it fits into the story.
Make sure you have the authorisation of the images author(s) before submitting them for publication.